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Hebrew Songs for Voice and Piano

שירים עבריים בעיבודים לקול ולפסנתר

"Songs of Land" (שירי ארץ) for Voice and Piano

Written in 1988 for a joint recital with the mezzo-soprano Mira Zakai, in celebration of the 40th Independence Day of the State of Israel. The recital was broadcasted live and later recorded and released as an album (1989).

Through the years, additional arrangements were written for various occasions, culminating in a new edition of "Songs of Land" in the form of 22 songs, published in two volumes by the Israeli

Music Institute, and a CD with performances by singers Anna Spitz and Guy Pelc. This edition includes "Song of Wanderer" for two voices a-cappella, and two version for the song "Wither My Beloved" - for a solo or a duet with piano.


Original Edition - with mezzo-soprano Mira Zakai (1988/89)

New Edition - 22 songs (2014)

Vol. I

1. Caraven (אורחה במדבר) | Text by Yakov Fichman, music by David Zehavi

2. To the Desert (למדבר שאנו) | Text by Alexander Penn, music by Nachum Nardi (after a Bedouin song)

3. Lights Out (כיבוי אורות) | Text and music by Naomi Shemer

4. What Say Your Eyes (מה אומרות עינייך) | Text by Itzhak Shenhar, music by Moderchai Zeira

5. Fallen Leaves (שלכת) | Text by Yaakov Orland, music by Mordechai Zeira

6. My Beloved is Mine (דודי לי) | Text from Song of Songs , music by Nira Chen

7. Whither Your Beloved (אנה הלך דודך) | Text by Song of Songs, music by Gil Aldema

8. I Bear With Me (אני נושא עמי) | Text by Yaakov Orland, music by David Zehavi

9. Her Two Eyes (שתי עיניה) | Text by Yehoshua Tsafrir, music by David Zehavi

10. Melodies (ניגונים)| Text by Fania Bergstein, music by David Zehavi

11. My Field (שדמתי) | Text by Itzhak Shenhar, music by Yedidia Admon

Vol. II

12. The Kite Song (שיר העפיפון) | Text by Amos Ettinger, music by Yochanan Zaray

13. Kinneret (כנרת) | Text by Avigdor Hameiri, music by Marc Lavry

14. Song of Land (שיר ארץ) | Text by Nathan Yonathan, music by Alexander Argov

Lullabies Medley:

15. Sleep, Sleep (נומי נומי) | Text by Yechiel Halperin, music by Yoel Engel

16. A Lullaby (שיר ערש) | Text by Zrubavel Gilad, music by David Zehavi

17. Sleep, My Son (נומה, בן) | Text by Natan Alterman, music by Moshe Wielensky

18. Night by Night (לילה לילה) | Text by Natan Alternan, music by Mordechai Zeira

19. The Hyacinth (פזמון ליקינתון) | Text by Leah Goldberg, music by Rivka Gwily

20. Song of Wanderer (שיר הנודד) | Text by David Shimoni, Bucharian folk tune | For two voices a-cappella

21. A Walk to Caesarea (הליכה לקיסריה) | Text by Hannah Szenes, music by David Zehavi

22. Two Lillies (שני שושנים) | Text by Yaakov Orland, music by Mordechai Zeira

Selections from the New Edition:


A special TV appearance in Arie Vardi’s show “Intermezzo with Arik” on Menachem Wiesenberg’s work as an arranger, 2016 (In Hebrew):

Related Works

See further collaborations with Mira Zakai and "Entrapped Bird" written for her. 

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